Academic Standards

Academic Standards
Time Limit for Degree Completion

The M.Sc. in Vascular Sonography must be completed within five years of enrolling. The Program Director must approve any request for an extension of this time limit.

Academic Standing

The following standards will determine a student’s academic standing:

1. Students must maintain a GPA of 3.0 to complete the program successfully. Students may have a maximum of two grades (six credit hours) of “C” on their transcript that count toward the degree. Students may retake a course once to raise a “C” grade.

2. A student whose GPA drops below 3.0 will be placed on academic probation. The student then has two semesters to improve the GPA to a 3.0 or higher. If the student fails to do so, the student will normally not be allowed to continue in the program.

High standards of personal honesty and ethics are essential for those who are preparing for a career in vascular sonography. Students are expected to demonstrate integrity in their work as well as strong academics. Students who submit the work of others as their own or any fashion violate academic or professional ethics will be dismissed from the program. Any such incident shall be reported to the Provost of University of Providence for disciplinary action.

Degree Requirements

The full thirty-semester-hour curriculum may be completed in one academic year by means of synchronous online lectures and supervised independent study.

Listed below are the courses required to complete the M.Sc. in Vascular Sonography at Academy of Ultrasound Imaging / University of Providence.

[NOTE: The MSV prefix denotes masters-level courses in Vascular Sonography, including (synchronous) online lecture courses and clinical clerkships.]

First-Semester Curriculum

Fifteen semester hours (credits) of coursework comprise the first-semester courses.

Fall Semester
MSV 501 Introduction to Ultrasound Imaging 3 credits (Online)
MSV 502 Anatomy & Physiology of the Cardiovascular System 3 credits (Online)
MSV 503 Ultrasound Physics 3 credits (Online)
MSV 504 Medical Terminology 3 credits (Online)
MSV 505 Medical Ethics* 3 credits (Online)
Total Credits = 15

[*NOTE: The curriculum includes a full-semester course in medical ethics taught by regular faculty of University of Providence. The goal is to ensure that the medical ethics curriculum faithfully reflect the teachings of the Catholic Church in their entirety.]

Second-Semester Curriculum

Fifteen semester hours (credits) of coursework and clinical clerkship comprise the second-semester courses.

Spring Semester
MSV 506 Extracranial Cerebral Vasculature 3 credits (Online)
MSV 507 Upper Limb Vasculature 3 credits (Online)
MSV 508 Lower Limb Vasculature 3 credits (Online)
MSV 509 Abdominal and Pelvic Vasculature 3 credits (Online)
MSV 510 Clinical Clerkship 3 credits (Laboratory)
Total Credits = 15

Final Examinations

Final examinations are scheduled during the last week of each term for all eight lecture courses in technical subjects, namely MSV 501 through MSV 504 during Fall Semester and MSV 506 through MSV 509 during Spring Semester.

All final exams shall be administered during the last week of each semester.

Final exams are administered in open-book and open-notes format.

Final exams are three (3) hours in duration.

The honor system applies to all examinations. Any infraction of the honor system shall be reported to the Provost / Vice President of University of Providence for disciplinary action.

Final Term Paper

There is no final examination, per se, for MSV 505 Medical Ethics. Instead, each student shall submit a 20-page term paper on a medical ethics topic of special interest to the student.

Clinical Clerkship Report

There is no final examination, per se, for MSV 510 Clinical Clerkship. Instead, each student shall present a live (online) 20-minute case report on a vascular sonography clinical examination of particular interest to the student.

Course Grades

For all eight lecture courses in technical subjects, course grades are based on final exam scores (only).

The grading scheme is as follows.

A 90% – 100%
B 80% – 89.9%
C 70% – 79.9%
D 60% – 69.9%
F Less than 60%

In other words, class participation and/or class attendance is not used as a metric in grading graduate-level (500-series) courses. That said, students should aim to attend all online lectures and are encouraged to ask questions /or make comments about the subject at hand.

Allow 1 week for examination results. Make-up exams are available for any student scoring less than 80% on any exam. Allow 2 weeks for make-up exam preparation. Students are allowed only one make-up exam for each course.

The course on medical ethics (MSV 505) shall be graded on a “Pass” or “Fail” basis.

The course on case reports (MSV 510) shall be graded on a “Pass” or “Fail” basis.